Products / Image Guided Surgery / SeeStar®
CT guiding device
The first simple sketch of SeeStar® was made on a napkin in 1999. SeeStar® now comes in four color coded sizes, developed to assist you in CT guiding.
Product Benefits
Visualize and adjust the planned CT-guided biopsy before entering the needle
Reduce the number of needle manipulations*
Support the needle during superficial punctures
Maintain the direction of the needle during puncture
* ”CT fluoroscopy guided punctures performed with a freehand technique and in combination with a new needle guiding device”. A. Magnusson et al.; Dept. of Radiology and Medical Physics, University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden; presented at ESTI 2007, Athens, Greece.
Product Specifications
Gauges: 12, 14, 17, and 20G
Sterile, single use
Contact Us
For product questions or to place an order:
Email or Call (800) 231-1499
Case Studies
SeeStar Informational Video